Community Development
We at Springdales firmly believe that the well-being of one is closely intertwined with the well-being of all. This philosophy steers us to collaborate, educate, provide and inspire to make a difference to the society around us.
The week-long community work engaged the students in collective discussions, visits to NGOs culminated in our own creative expressions and an enhanced understanding of our community.
The school's deep commitment to giving back to the society resonates through collaborations with Uday Foundation and Family of Disabled. Collection drives for clothing, dry ration, stationery, and other items were a huge success and well received by the NGOs. Young Springdalians donated their toys to 'MASOOM' an NGO working with the street children.
The school revived its annual Blood donation drive and many parents, Old Springdalians and staff came forward for the cause.
The essence of altruism also reflects in the monthly Ration Distribution Drives, our Adopt a Gran inter-generational project, each one teach one and other initiatives at the school's adopted villages of Todapur and Dasghara. We feel a sense of fulfilment that we were able to undertake them in full earnestly this year.
We have also extended our efforts by undertaking cleanliness drives, tree plantations, waste disposal, street plays, poster making and slogan writing within and outside school.
We also acknowledged the role of health workers and paid tribute to them.
Our students received a social internship certificate from Ladli Foundation of the DOE for their exemplary work in a field action research-based project.
We also undertook the project which has been specially designed for the school and explores the inter-related themes of gender, health and education.
Our school's inclusive learning centre, 'Haath Mein Haath' provides a safe space for every child nurturing and preparing them for their future and special educators work relentlessly to create an atmosphere of acceptance and learning together for Springdalians and partner with other institutions.
To break the stereotypes and promote awareness on Mental Health a week was dedicated to the observance. Students were involved in thought-provoking discussions with experts and activities ranging from creating a happiness box, making posters and writing slogans on Mental Health issues.
Our talented students received the first and second prizes respectively for poster making and fancy dress at an event to celebrate the diverse abilities of CWSN at Sanskriti School. They also participated in the adaptive athletic meet. Students enthusiastically took part in Udaan at Manavsthali and won prizes in various categories.
Students and teachers enthusiastically participated in the Adolescent Peer Education Programme organised by CBSE in collaboration with Expressions India.
As Sprindalians we pledge to take forward the legacy that binds us with others in the community. It is heartening that these efforts have been recoganised and honoured.